For the student wishing to explore more disciplines than would normally be provided
by selecting a 主要 and a minor field, the interdisciplinary 主要 gives the option
覆盖面更广. Interdisciplinary studies employs a holistic approach that consciously
applies a methodology from more than one discipline (integration) to examine a person’s
work, central theme, issue, problem, topic, or experience. 这可能会给学生
a better basis for such careers as advertising, business, law, or the ministry. At
the same time, the interdisciplinary 主要 should not be viewed as an escape from
choosing a 主要 in a single academic discipline. 学生应该意识到,
though the interdisciplinary 主要 seeks to provide some depth in two or more academic
disciplines, it will not give the same in-depth grasp of a discipline that choice
of a 主要 in a single field would.
Each student seeking a 主要 in interdisciplinary studies must complete the application
form, which can be obtained from the chairperson of the 跨学科研究
部门. The application form will include a clear statement of the student’s goals
and explanation of how those goals will best be fulfilled by an interdisciplinary
The student should understand both what an academic discipline is and what the advantages
and disadvantages of pursuing an interdisciplinary 主要 are. 一门学科
is a theoretical study that seeks to analyze a specific aspect of God’s creation or
人类的文化反应. It goes beyond merely introductory studies and is
separate from those studies that are solely vocational in emphasis and from those
that are simply tools to be used for analytical study.
- 《棋牌娱乐》 & How They Assist in Sanctification”
- “The Business of Division I Collegiate 体育运动”
- “Faith-Based Affordable 住房 Strategies”
- “白领犯罪”
- 《棋牌娱乐》 & How They Assist in Sanctification”
- “Comparative Study of the Spinal Cord and its Pathologies”
- “Building a Nonprofit Organization”
- “The Effect of Music upon 任务s in Peru”
- Youth minister, Orangewood Presbyterian Church
- 希尔格高等Education创始人
- Philosophy professor, Princeton University
- Foundation coordinator, Boston Red Sox
- Physical education teacher, Isaac Lane Elementary School
- Pitching coach, Jackson North Side High School
- Sports information director, 约大学
- 福利协调员,Unum
- Marketing department, BlueCross BlueShield
- 美国海军牧师
- 专业的小提琴家
- Business analyst/executive assistant Keval Health
- Human language technology, 部门 Defense
- Physician assistant—spine surgery; Virginia Orthopedics
- 外汇交易员 & Business的律师
- 中世纪神学教授,圣. 路易斯大学
- U.S. 马歇尔逃亡特遣部队
Program, Courses, and Requirements